Capability of the civil protection system of the Khmelnytsk oblast in the context of community social comfort.


  • D. V. Bondar ГУ ДСНС України у Хмельницькій області
  • L. I. Prus Філія Донецького національного університету імені Василя Стуса «Бізнес-інноваційний центр "ДонНУ-Поділля"»



local self-government, civil protection, system of civil protection, territorial community, social comfort of the community


The article studies the socio-economic condition of the Khmelnytsk oblast and, based on the monitoring, distinguishes some indicators of improvement and effective development of the region (in particular, modernization and development of the industrial complex; creation of conditions for the agrarian sector's development; attraction of investments in the regional economy; realization of export potential; implementation of self-government reform; increasing the number of workplaces in the oblast; creating a favorable business climate in the region; ensuring gender equality in society; increasing the life expectancy and life quality of the population, etc.).

The paper has analyzed all spheres and main indicators of the community's activity, formulated its needs, and identified the factors that influence the community. A number of proposals regarding the organization of the system of civil protection in the Khmelnytsk oblast have been considered in the context of supporting the social comfort of the community. It has been noted that nowadays the system of civil protection of local self-government does not satisfy the community's needs, therefore ways to solve the identified problem have been suggested.

The author have examined issues of complex formation of the base for service provision in the community, in particular, regarding the possibility of placing the services and bodies of the community in one location by improving construction projects; creating conditions for free transfer of property of state fire-rescue units and other surplus property (including equipment) of State Emergency Service, other central executive bodies and their units from state property to communal property of territorial communities of villages, settlements, and cities, or objects of all forms of ownership into their common property; financial activities for the maintenance of local and voluntary fire-fighting units; financial support for the implementation of civil protection and fire safety measures at the level of joint territorial communities during the reform.


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