Ukrainian political regime representation in news of online media «Ukrayins`ka Pravda».


  • N. O. Steblyna Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



political regime, transitional political regime, political journalism, mentions rating, news sources


The difference between two political regimes of the times of Viktor Yuschenko and the times of Viktor Yanykovych is stated on the material of news analysis of independent online media «Ukrayins`ka Pravda». In the field of Ukrainian scientific discourse the political regime of the country is being characterized as transitional one or hybrid one. Thus, some new techniques for the transitional regimes identification are needed to define them more correctly (as being predominantly authoritative or democratic). Additionally in the future with the techniques, it would be possible to forecast the regimes changes. In the paper the interrelations between the mass media as the social institution and the ruling government are proposed to be considered as an indicator of the regime. And within the formal analysis of news of the independent mass media it is possible to discover the tendencies of the regime’s orientation towards authoritarism or democracy. That is the main hypothesis of the research. It is confirms through some components.

The transitional regime with democratic orientation may be identified through the larger presence of news heroes in headlines, which is expressed with the larger mentions frequency (582 for Yuschenko, 431 for Yanukovych) and with the longer list of unique positions in the general list of mentions (184 for Yuschenko,127 for Yanukovych). The presence of other popular figures in the news (except the president) and their insignificant lag is also needed. For instance in Yuschenko case the second most popular persona is Tymoshenko (with 15 points lag), in Yanukovych case Tymoshenko is also the second, but with 59 points lag. For the news in the Yuschenko times the larger number of references on sources within one news item is discovered. There is also the difference with the sources types. In the times of Yanukovych the second and the third most popular position are own correspondent / own information and other mass media. It may be considered as an attempt to seek closed information and to inform about pressure on mass media. It is supposed, that such a feature exists in the regime with the orientation towards authoritarism and authoritative regime.


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Політична культура та ідеологія