Civic culture under decentralization: municipal level.
citizen, citizenship, civic self-awareness, culture of citizenship, decentralization, civil society, united territorial communitiesAbstract
The article deals with the problem of establishing a of civil culture as a condition for the successful implementation of decentralization in Ukraine. The author conduct a systematic analysis of specific features of civility, attempt to reveal the nature of the transformation of the culture of civicism in the context of decentralization reform. The study was analyzed of specific forms of civic activity: citizens’ appeals, general meetings, public examination, public hearings, public consultations, was emphasized that electoral participation of citizens is one of the most important components of the culture of civic citizenship. It is noted that the sign of a high level of civic culture is the association of citizens with nongovernmental organizations that raise their members’ sense of cooperation, solidarity and civil patriotism, which ensures the political structuring of society. The importance of the role of youth civic engagement in the process of decentralization reform is highlighted. An analysis of the evolution of the role of civil society in the course of decentralization reform was conducted. It is proved that the purpose of civil society is to reconcile society with the combination of private and general interests, mediation between personality and state power. It is emphasized that strategic decisions for the structures of civil society are strategic decisions that involve the transfer to the regional level of procedures through which the functions of public authorities are subject to control by the public, which ensures greater autonomy of regional governance. It has been proved that decentralization, due to its instrumentality, creates an appropriate space for the formation of a pluralistic civil society, with the expansion of opportunities for self-recruiting communities into different institutional structures. The authors emphasize that mobilization of civil society takes place through the formation of joint responsibility as a certain form of civic consciousness, which serves to confirm the coincidence of social and civil participation in the implementation of relevant initiatives.References
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