Public security in Ukraine: theoretical and practical aspects.
national security, public security, civil society, non-government organizations, challenges, threats, dangersAbstract
The growth of civic consciousness and activism of non-government organizations is an important element of the success of country’s political and economic development, as well as it provides public security. This concept is not active in the Ukainian regulatory field, but is increasingly in demand in real life. This article is devoted to the study of this concept. It is because in today’s conditions of challenges and dangers Ukraine is encounting in the face of Russian aggression, the cohesion of the society, which is the basis of public security, should become the linking part between human security and state security. For today the dangers in this area are caused by the lack of relevant provisions in Ukrainian legislation; confusion of some concepts (such as narrowing the understanding of «security of citizens» to «public security»); inconsistency and nonsystematic of individual public initiatives; frustrating people in their shared capabilities. However, it is civil society that shall be the mainstay of existing power and the interaction between them is the key of guaranteeing the principles of democracy, the priority of human and citizen rights and freedoms, which are the basis of the chosen path of development of the country. Civil society is interested in ensuring a high level of public security in the country whereas the social life of citizens – as a whole process of interaction of social actors in specific conditions depends on it directly. That is why «security of society» is one of the main components of national security. Some positive changes in recent years in Ukraine can be traced (partly thanks to international organizations and projects) that has been showed up in the formation and development of the volunteer movement to help the needy, the formation of public councils to oversee the actions of the authorities and to participate in the adoption and implementation of state decisions in carrying out a number of reforms and in the fight against corruption.References
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