The concept of political patriotism of youth as a basis for the development of the national security of the state.
political patriotism, youth, civil society, social security, national securityAbstract
Considering current political events in Ukraine, the issue of political patriotism of the younger generation is becoming increasingly relevant. Political patriotism should become the basis for the development of national security in the state. In scientific discourse researchers often equate the concept of the “political patriotism” and “civic patriotism”. This study proves the difference between these concepts and the fact that civic patriotism can be a part of the political one. Young people can become both subject and object of political patriotism. In the first case, the youth acts as the bearer of active and passive suffrage, has the opportunity to promote the economic development of the state, to protect its borders and state sovereignty, to promote scientific and technological development. In the second case, young people are the object of national-patriotic education, which should become the basis for the development of their political culture and consciousness.
The main tasks of the research are the next: to define concepts of “political patriotism”, “civic patriotism”, “ethnic patriotism”; to consider peculiarities of formation of political patriotism of young people and factors of youth activity; to find out possible consequences of manifesting of political patriotism of youth in the context of national security of the state. The study found that as young people cover the ages of 14 to 35 years, it is appropriate to consider two subgroups of young people: the first is up to 18 years and can only have partial legal capacity, the second is elder than 18 years and has full legal capacity. The first subgroup is considered as the object of national-patriotic education, and the second subgroup is regarded as an active carrier of political patriotism. For both categories of young people, the formation of a sense of political patriotism must be of a complex strategic character and serve as a fundamental aspect of the development of civil society in a country on the one hand and as a source of national security for the state on the other. At the same time, political patriotism is the young person’s awareness of his/her real ability to actively participate in the political process, to defend homeland, to develop his/her territorial community. So the main task of the state is to promote the formation of a patriotically-minded citizen who is confident in his or her social security and selfrealization in his/her own country and community.
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