Social programs in the context of state support for palliative medicine in the European Union (the United Kingdom pattern).


  • M. O. Dovbysh Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського



governance, institutional mechanism, hospices, palliative and hospice care, patient’s incurable, social care, the elderly, the index as death, foreign experience, social service, incurable diseases


The paper devoted to the issue of establishment and development of palliative care institute in Ukraine and abroad, as well as the role of the World Health Organization in solving the problems. The urgency of this problem is justified by the fact that the current Ukrainian society requires significant changes in this direction. Indeed, various domestic and international experts assessed the problem as unsatisfactory due to the low level of social care for the elderly and those who are incapable of self-care or are on the verge of life and death, namely the category of people in need of palliative care and hospice care. Social policy should be based on the development of effective mechanisms of public administration of palliative and hospice care, with the borrowing of the best practices of foreign experience. The systematic development of this issue, highly relevant for Ukrainian society, may be based on: WHO recommendations, international standards and the experience of the most developed countries in this area (especially the European Union countries).

Palliative care is a relatively new component of modern medicine but has recently been recognized as one of the essential components of the health care system. The need for this type of care is constantly growing. According to WHO experts, 40 million people in the world annually need the care recent years. Almost 80% of those people live in low- and middle-income countries.

The paper presents contemporary foreign experience of applying the organizational mechanism of state management of palliative and hospice care. The results of the study give reason to argue that different organizational mechanisms of public administration of palliative and hospice care, forms and approaches to providing such assistance are used in the world. It was noted that the best state of palliative and hospice care was observed in the United Kingdom.


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