Institutional mechanisms for the human rights protection in conditions of military and political conflict.


  • V. A. Haponenko Національний педагогічний університет ім. М. П. Драгоманова



democratization of the political system, military-political conflict, protection of human rights, institutionalization of the conflict


The article deals with the peculiarities and contradictions of institutional mechanisms for the human rights protection in the conditions of military confrontation in the context of contemporary Ukraine. The role of conflict institutionalization for completing the transition to democracy in our state is substantiated.

The main features of the institutional support for human rights protection are determined. This is, in particular, the lack of readiness to protect rights due to the lack of relevant experience, the attractiveness of the rights protection which is not the creation of guarantees, but the restoration of already violated rights, regulatory inaccuracies in determining the status of occupied territories, the procedure for protecting rights, legal consequences for violations of rights, the absence of specialized institutes in the structure of the supreme bodies of state power for coordination of the process of securing rights and the establishment of cooperation in this area with public organizations, insufficient funding, and you resources to implement the declared rights in connection with armed conflict duration, practical implementation complexity, lack of a clear program of reintegration.

The priority tasks of improving the institutional mechanisms of human rights protection, in particular, the implementation of measures on democratization of the political system in general, the institutionalization of the conflict, raising the level of legitimacy of the institutions of power, the creation of a higher executive body ensuring coherence and comprehensiveness of the protection of children's rights, the transfer of part of powers and defense resources, are proposed. Main issues of development of longterm programs of social security and adaptation of internally displaced persons, provision an information necessary support for human rights protection are described.


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