Models of interaction between civil society and political society: theoretical and conceptual aspect.


  • A. S. Vashchenko Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



civil society, political society, economic society, state, interaction, models of interaction


The article examines the theoretical and conceptual aspect of the models of interaction between civil and political society. The purpose of this article is to analyze the scientific studies of the political dimension of civil society and to identify models of interaction between civil and political society in the concepts of representatives of political science from nineteenth to twenty-first centuries.

To analyze the political dimension of civil society have been used mainly works of S.Peregudov, Y. Zhilin, I. Kravchenko, A. Butenko, O. Mironov, I. Yarulin.

The works of A. de Tocqueville, A. Gramsci, L. Althusser, J. Cohen and E. Arato have been used to distinguish contemporary models of interaction between civil society and political society.

In the course of the conducted research it was established that for quite a long period of time civil society was treated as a special non-state sphere of public life, an alternative to the state system of government. However, a growing number of scholars are beginning to focus on the political phenomenon of civil society.

From the nineteenth century more and more scholars are paying attention to the need for a separation of the concept of «political society» and models of its interaction with civil society.

The theoretical and conceptual analysis of the interaction between civil society and political society makes it possible to distinguish several classifications of models of their interaction.

Within the chronological aspect and cultural and historical traditions, French (A. de Tocqueville, L. Althusser), Italian (A. Gramsci) and American (J. Cohen and E. Arato) models of interaction between civil and political society are distinguished.

In the quantitative aspect, we can distinguish between three-membered (A. Gramsci, A. de Tocqueville, L. Althusser) and five-membered (J. Cohen and E. Arato) interaction models.

Finally, when we focusing on the coexistence criterion, a third classification of interaction models should be highlighted:
– the model of interaction in which political society mediates between the state and civil society (J. Cohen and E. Arato);
– the model of interaction in which political society actually identifies with the state (A. de Tocqueville, A. Gramsci, L. Althusser).


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