Model of Linguistic Policy in the context of the postsoviet paradigm.


  • S. V. Savoyska Міжрегіональна академія управління персоналом



model of language policy, Ukraine, pro-Russian-style policies, Russia, post-Soviet paradigm, "left" political forces, independence


The paper examines the model of language policy in the context of the post-Soviet paradigm, which is based on Russia and pro-Russian politicians acting in their interests, aimed at destroying all Ukrainians in order to prevent Ukraine from happening as a state, while Ukrainian citizens did not consider themselves Ukrainian and preserved post-Soviet, that is, pro-Russian consciousness. In spite of Russia’s efforts, at the end of 1991, a new Ukrainian political community, which was different from the Soviet one, who got rid of signs of Soviet affiliation and declared to be willing to live in an independent state, began to be formed at the All-Ukrainian referendum. This made it possible to formulate its own model of linguistic policy by means of modernization, relying on national interests, democratic values and the Ukrainian language as a unifying symbol of the Ukrainian people. It was found out that the post-Soviet consciousness of the inhabitants of the South and East of Ukraine retained its influence through pro-Russian-minded politicians who, in pursuit of the goal during all years of independence, pursue a destructive language policy directed at their own interests, ie the conquest of power, in Ukraine. Manipulation of citizens’ consciousness has led to revolutionary events in Ukraine that have changed the views of many residents of the East and South of the state in understanding such categories as Ukrainian language, Ukrainian history, Ukrainian traditions, national idea, Ukrainian autochthonous nation, "State independence" and others. It was proved that in the first years of the 1990s, a new model of linguistic policy was developed by representatives of national democrats who revived their activities in the territory of independent Ukraine and adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty, as well as public activists who fought for freedom for the state and its inhabitants. However, the pro-Russian political forces used the fruit of this cooperation, and Russia was guided by the post-Soviet consciousness and behavior.


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Політична культура та ідеологія