Problems of formation of an effective public information policy.


  • K. V. Zaharenko Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова



people, politics, information, culture, public policy, government institutions, legal framework, information security


The activities of all involved in the field of information security of state structures should be well coordinated within the framework of common programs and plans, as well as certain functions. The functioning of all state structures involved in the sphere of information security is analysed and it is indicated that their activities should be clearly coordinated within the framework of general programs and plans, as well as certain functions. Attention is paid to the fact that the modern information policy of Ukraine is characterized by inconsistency, lack of coordination in the activities of various authorities, lack of transparency in the adoption and implementation of political decisions. It is proposed for the effective implementation of programs in the field of information security, the state should provide the necessary material resources, train specialists, develop the regulatory framework. Considering this, the Ukrainian legislation defines state structures that are subjects of national security. The priority directions of development of national information policy and information security of our state are formulated in the national doctrine of information security of Ukraine and enshrined in various laws.

For effective implementation of information security programs, the state should provide the necessary material resources to train professionals to develop a legislative framework. Taking this into account in the Ukrainian legislation specifies the governmental structures that are subject to national security. Priority directions of development of the national information policy and information security in our country formulated a national information security doctrine of Ukraine and enshrined in various laws. But the legislation on important issues of information security is still haphazard, and functions to ensure the information security policy and state dissipated among various entities is not conducive to their sustainable implementation. Thus, the functions and powers of government agencies to implement the information security should be provided with sufficient clarity and certainty.


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