«Democratic alternative» as a frond in the Lviv regional committee of the CPSU-CPU.


  • O. V. Chura Національний музей-меморіал жертв окупаційних режимів «Тюрма на Лонцького»




perestroika, Communist Party structures, CPSU-CPU, “Democratic alternative”, opposition, disintegration, national liberation movement, statehood of Ukraine


The paper illustrates a special and undiscovered fragment of the collapse of the communist structures of Lviv at the turn of the 80’s and 90’s of the twentieth century. as a result of controversial reforms of perestroika and the rapid deployment of the national liberation movement patriotic public of the western regions of the Ukrainian SSR for the restoration of Ukraine’s sovereignty. The specifics of this segment of the communist fiasco was the artificial resuscitation of the national-communist ideology, which was not dictated by public requests, but was based on desire a separate small part of the Lviv party nomenclature to separate the CPU from the CPSU, to recognize Ukrainian independence and thus maintain its own political positions under the terms of the "Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Ukraine" of 1990.

Representatives of the inner-party opposition in those day Communist Party administrative structure of Lviv were mostly local young Ukrainians – the so-called "Gorbachev’s nominees". They occupied the middle management level in the city committee, district committees and party committees of the city, and therefore were not the leaders of the communist leaders of the orthodoxBrezhnev branch directed from the eastern regions of the Ukrainian SSR and the RSFSR. This allowed them to stay at a certain the distance from the ostentatious Stalinist communist dogmas and to consider the CPSU-CPU rather as a means of high-level career advancement, and not as a union of political associates. Their authentic national roots led to internal affinity with the national-communist positions. The distance from the stable communist beliefs of the Bolshevik class in symbiosis with national preferences and career motivation called for a surrogate resuscitation of national communism in the form of an opposition coalition – "Democratic Alternatives". This imitation did not allow it to transform into an influential political force in the modern Ukrainian politics. However, its positive role was to further undermine the foundations of local proRussian communist authorities, which was the main obstacle to the restoration of Ukraine’s statehood.


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