Building a strong state in the concept of Francis Fukuyama.
state, strong state, building a strong state, Francis Fukuyama, decentralization, powerAbstract
In recent years, in many countries, both in science and in the mass consciousness, there has been a steady understanding of the need to create a strong and powerful state, with well-functioning institutions capable of providing the proper guarantees of civil rights and freedoms, the success of the reforms. Today, humanity is very keen to formulate a scientific concept of a strong state and its further practical implementation. Building a strong state is one of the most important problems of the world community.
His books are original, the author is not a consistent supporter of any one philosophical or sociological school. It combines several streams to create one – the best. The articles are always relevant, relevant to the topics of contemporary political, social and even environmental issues. Fukuyama’s view on building a strong state is of interest to both scholars and the general public.
This article analyzes the evolution of Francis Fukuyama’s views on building and becoming a strong state, which is a real necessity not only for countries undergoing total reform and development, but also for the developed world.
F. Fukuyama’s view on understanding the phenomenon of "strong state", some ideas on the need to strengthen the state were identified, the main aspects contributing to the strengthening of the role and resource potential of building a strong state were outlined.
The article deals with the technology of constructing the American model of a strong state from the point of view of Francis Fukuyama and proves that the main criterion of a strong state is a set of sociopolitical functions and goals that it realizes, and therefore a strong state is viewed through the prism of its weakness not only institutional aspect, but also as a tool of pressure on public life.
The article used structural-functional (in the analysis of features of Fukuyama views on the understanding of a strong state), comparative (in the analysis of the evolution of Fukuyama views on a strong state), systematic methods of analysis.
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