The participation of civil society in combating corruption: experience of Central and Eastern European Countries.


  • I. M. Myloserdna Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія»



civil society, corruption, anticorruption counteraction, Central and Eastern European Countries


The article is devoted to the analysis of the features of participation and the role of civil society in the context of combating corruption in a modern state. Corruption, like a web, envelops different spheres of life and different levels of state power, and thereby makes the state weak and suspends its development. It has been established that the international community, in order to prevent corruption, adopts a number of international documents that emphasize the importance of the problem and the fact that the fight against corruption is a challenge for all states of the world. The main anti-corruption treaties include the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption, the European Union Convention on the fight against corruption involving EU officials or officials of EU countries, and others.

The article examines the experience of CEE countries regarding anti-corruption policy and the participation of civil society in it and it was found that state support acts as one of the necessary conditions for anti-corruption reforms and adoption of relevant regulatory acts, but their implementation is impossible if the society is not ready to adopt this participation. Today we should talk about the need for the formation and dissemination of new social values: reliability, openness, transparency, active participation and responsibility, which will form an anti-corruption worldview and consciousness. To conduct an effective anti-corruption policy, the necessary steps are: the formation of society as an equal partner in the development and implementation of a national anti-corruption strategy; involving various civil society institutions in anti-corruption counteraction.


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