Theoretical aspects of decentralization of power as an effective mechanism for democratization of the political system: problematic issues and ways of solving them.


  • O. O. Akhmerov Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія»



decentralization of power, municipal policy of the state, system of local self-government, deconcentration, democratic state, democratization


The article explores the current issues of decentralization of power in the state in the context of theoretical study of the essence of this phenomenon and the main mechanisms of its influence on the democratization of the political system of the country. The study identified the concepts and details of key aspects of the decentralization process; differentiation of "decentralization", "deconcentration", "system of separation of powers" was carried out; studied the relation between the concepts of "municipal government" and "local state power"; criteria of efficiency of municipal policy of the state are investigated and the basic methods of measuring such efficiency are studied, as well as positive influence of decentralization of state power on increase of efficiency of local self-government system in the country and democratization of its political system are determined. It is summarized that before starting the process of decentralization in the country, it is necessary to determine the point of optimal balance between the trends of centralization and centrifugal trends in society, which, having reached the optimum balance, will coexist in dialectical unity, adequate to the real conditions in the country, as well as those tasks that are relevant her at the moment. The following methods were used in the study: the systemic method (which allowed to consider decentralization as a systemic phenomenon, which, on the one hand, consists of a number of interrelated elements and, on the other, interacts with adjacent systems that affect each other); comparative method (provided an opportunity to explore the implementation of the processes of decentralization of the political system in European countries using different models of municipal policy); analytical method (provided the necessary tools to carry out a detailed analysis of theoretical and practical information on a specific topic during the study).


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