Post Conflict Territory Audit: Proposals for Ukraine.
separate districts of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, reintegration, post-conflict territory, audit, management policyAbstract
Planning of reintegration and post-conflict management policy depends mostly on the form of the end of the conflict. Today, it is impossible to predict the form of the end of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, so any policy-making activity in this area can only serve as a theoretical basis for processes that will take place in practice. However, aware of the need to organize activities in the post-conflict area prior to the end of the conflict, the author proposes to conduct an audit of the post-conflict territory at an extraordinary stage after the end of the conflict, as a comprehensive study of the territory in which different indicators from different spheres of public life will be analyzed. This study should combine the conflict analysis, the definition of the demographic, social, legal, economic and other characteristics of the territory caused by the conflict, and also take into account the specific impact that conflict have had on the territory as a form of armed confrontation. In a number of indicators identified in the proposed post-conflict territory audit plan, research studies are available today, and such studies are being carried out.
However, the dynamic nature of the conflict can lead to changes in certain indicators of this audit plan, as well as information need to be updated at the stage of the end of the conflict. The research of various spheres justifies the use of various methods, and also promotes the involvement of different actors and social groups.
The post-conflict territory audit is a methodology and process that aims to provide empirical information to policy makers who will develop tactical management decisions and actions and strategies for managing post-conflict areas. Moreover, the audit of post-conflict territory is an activity that can initially synthesize the interests of national and international actors in a post-conflict territory and make planning of activities within this territory comfortable and effective for all parties to the process.
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