Informational influence on children in conditions of hybrid war on Donbas.
information influence, hybrid war, "Russian world", textbooks on history, military-patriotic education, ORDLO, children’s rightsAbstract
The article deals with the informational influence on children and young people in conditions of hybrid war in the uncontrolled territory of Ukraine in the separate regions of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts. The purpose of this article is to analyze the main forms and methods of informational impact on children in the ORDLO and the possible consequences of such influence. For the study used messages in the media, regulatory legal acts of self-proclaimed republics, materials of Internet resources, indicating the facts of the dangerous information impact on children.
The content of the textbook on history used in schools and higher educational institutions in ORDLO, the state of teaching the history of the native land and the Ukrainian language is analyzed. The system of militarypatriotic education of children and youth is explored, aimed at preserving Soviet stereotypes from the inhabitants of the Donbas, nostalgia for the USSR, and forming a sense of belonging to Russian civilization.
It is proved that students at ORDLO carry out enormous informational influence in order to integrate the younger generation into the Russian civilization. Instead, hostility toward Ukrainians and the rejection of Western liberal-democratic values are being cultivated.
Thus, there is a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 20 November 1989 in the ORDLO.
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