The influence of media on knowledge of children in closed districts of Donetsk and Lugansk region.


  • I. O. Polishchuk Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого



child, information war, Ukraine, Russia, public opinion, mass media


The article reveals the current threats to the information security of children in the occupied territories in the context of the hybrid war in the context of the prospect of their reintegration into the socio-political field of the Ukrainian state. Information operations play a significant role in the hybrid warfare of the Russian Federation to sovereign Ukraine. Such a form of struggle is a combination of methods and methods of influencing the information sphere: from a one-time action of information-psychological and informational and technical influence to a complex of actions that involve planned, systematic influence on the consciousness and behavior of people by spreading biased, incomplete or inaccurate information for the purpose of inclining them to commit actions that are beneficial to the subject of information influence. An outright lie, a disdainful attitude towards the leaders of the Ukrainian state undermine their legitimacy, form an inadequate attitude towards reality in the child’s mind, undermine national identity, and form a fierce attitude toward the Ukrainian Armed Forces as "invaders," not defenders of the Motherland. Today, the media environment created in the occupied Russian Federation in Ukrainian territories is aggressive and inhumane. It is concluded that the return of Ukraine to the temporarily occupied territories is not a short-term prospect, but now Ukrainian authorities have to think about the strategy of reintegration of these territories and citizens living there. This is especially true for children and adolescents, since they are forced to shape their political outlook in an informative and socio-cultural environment hostile to Ukraine. The conclusion is made on the necessity of creating special PR-programs for children to form a positive image of the reformed political system of Ukraine.


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