Child’s right to safety during armed conflict.


  • O. G. Turchenko Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



right to safety, child, armed conflict, humanitarian law, protection, dangers


Today the main content of security is the protection of people and society. The problem of social security in a broad sense, the security of the person, certain groups of the population, society as a whole becomes the main one. Children are a particularly vulnerable category of the population. They are the main subjects and objects of systemic discrimination, which is especially intensified in the context of armed conflicts. Armed conflicts have a negative impact on the family functioning in general, and especially on the provision of the basic needs of the child, his development and psychological state.

According to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), as of January 2019, more than 34 million children worldwide living in conditions of conflict or emergencies do not receive the necessary protection. Their largest number is in Yemen (6.6 million people), Syria (5.5 million people), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (4 million people). In the conflict zone in eastern Ukraine, about 500 thousand children need immediate protection and humanitarian assistance.

The article further substantiates the need to fundamentally change the anthological paradigm in the study of security concepts (social, human): to move from monism in explaining the relation between the material and the spiritual, as components of the universe, to pluralism. It allows to represent any phenomenon as an organic unification and a dialectical combination of material and ideal, when under certain conditions there is a priority development of one of them, and to substantiate the necessity of forming a new concept of comprehensive "broad" security, in which the environment of the subject, will allow him to make and implement decisions according to his goals, aimed at progressive development.

The author of the article also identifies and analyzes the risks for children, possible violations of children’s rights during and after an armed conflict. Analysis of the provisions of the Geneva Conventions (1949) and the Additional Protocols thereto (1977), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the Involvement of Children in Armed Conflict (2000), other international acts on the establishment of the protection of the rights of the child in armed conflicts for the purpose of their coherence between themselves and with the norms of international humanitarian law in general is carried out. Measures aimed at improving the mechanism for ensuring the right to child safety and strengthening the protection of children from involvement in armed conflicts are proposed.


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Захист прав дітей на окупованих територіях та під час військових конфліктів