Digital diplomacy as an instrument of US foreign policy in the 21st century.


  • I. V. Tykhonenko Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили



digital diplomacy, foreign policy, USA, D. Trump, Twitter


The article considers the peculiarities of digital diplomacy as a new instrument of foreign policy in the 21st century in connection with the spread of information and communication technologies. Mechanisms of digital diplomacy are analyzed on the example of the United States as a state that actively uses this type of diplomacy. In particular, the mechanisms of digital diplomacy at the institutional level in the field of foreign policy of the USA are described by following aspects. First, the evolution of the use of electronic diplomacy in the 21st century was revealed for the administrations of George W. Bush, B. Obama and D. Trump. In particular, opening of the Office of Digital Diplomacy at the US Department of State in 2003 

by J. Bush’s administration and widespread using of new media by D. Trump’s administration. Secondly, the introduction and use of so-called new media as a field of digital diplomacy – the use of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube), the creation of microblogging (DipNote and project diplomacy activities that bring diplomats closer to citizens of the host country).

The use of new media creates a favorable microclimate for the spread of US foreign policy initiatives abroad through virtual contact with citizens of other countries and the dissemination of certain information content (using their mother tongue rather than English), which directly promotes American values and national interests beneficial to Washington. Although such methods are not quite liberal and democratic, they justify the concept of "soft power" in the foreign policy of the state.

The author focuses on the importance of the mechanisms of digital diplomacy for US foreign policy in modern realities, as confirmed by the practical application of US President D. Trump via Twitter's social network. It has been found that some of the president's statements in social networks may go against the declared foreign policy of the United States. However, through the prism of the president's tweets, one can observe the evolution and present stage of America's bilateral relations with other countries (in particular, on the example of American-Pakistani relations).


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