Socio-economic Development of the Arab Regional System Countries and the “Arab Spring” as the Evolution of Islamism Catalyzer in the Greater Middle East.
Arab world, the Greater Middle East, “Arab Spring”, Islamism, radicalism, extremismAbstract
The phenomenon of the Islamic extremism rise is directly related to the very political situation that has developed in a number of regions that are marked by heightened conflict index. The emergence of Islamic extremism was promoted by the internal factors of Muslim countries development, where unemployment, the standard of living of the population overwhelming majority, the difficult demographic situation, rather low economic development rates, the low level of authoritative political regimes and their repressive opposition policy, the crisis of national ideology that created a massive social base for the Islamist opposition to secular political regimes. A special role was played by changes in the geopolitical situation in the world as a whole especially this became relevant after the collapse of the USSR and the world socialist system. The position of the USA as the only world hegemonic state strengthened, which became a catalyst for the departure from European samples, as well as the search for ways of original development. The conflict of different types of civilizations – European and Muslim, manifested in almost all spheres of Muslim society, showed the impossibility of blindly copying Western society on Islamic soil. The intensification of the search for new solutions and changes in the priorities in the economic development of Arab countries became a natural phenomenon during the crisis shocks around the world. The basic ideological principles and provisions of any doctrine can, with their radicalization and bringing to the edge, form both extremely positive and negative attitudes towards the place of man in the world and the environment. The ideological component of Islamic radicalism is radical Islam, which consists of fundamentalism, traditionalism and modernism, each of which is a reaction to events in society. Islamic fundamentalism and traditionalism are a defensive reaction to the deviation from the traditions and established norms of culture and society.
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