Communication of ukrainian political parties with voters on social networks.


  • Ya.B. Yarosh Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



voters, social networks, political process, political communication, political party


The analysis of interaction of political parties with voters in Ukraine is carried out. The attention is focused on the fact that political parties use new forms of communication with citizens. It is proved that the subjects of the electoral process do not use social networks fully as a means of communication, but as a rule use them as news portals through which inform about the direct activities of parties on the place of location. They are included in political activities to the extent necessary to meet the challenges in the economic, social, cultural, environmental and other fields. The presence of many problems that cannot be solved without power, encourages citizens to unite, includes them in the orbit of political processes.

It is noted that political parties should actively involve voters in discussions and debates on websites and social networks. To improve communication with voters, it is advisable to place information on Internet resources in advance. It is grounded that it is necessary to post contact information about the local and district cells of the party. From time to time, they should publish for voters a reminder of how and with what questions, suggestions the voter can apply to the party or its leadership.

It is noted that the analysis of regional Facebook-pages can be carried out according to the following criteria: the presence of a page on Facebook, the period of page activity, the number of subscribers of the page, the number of messages, content, the number of messages / likes / comments, mention of national and local policies, the subject of messages.

The completeness of the spectrum of political parties and the conditions of their functioning, which are the defining indicators of democratic society, are determined. Democratic society not only declares, but also really guarantees the rights and fundamental freedoms of citizens.

In democratic countries, political parties assume a wide range of social functions, becoming an integral structural component of society. The analysis of the role of political parties in political processes makes it necessary to form new approaches to the study of their activities.

The current state of political parties’ participation in the political process is investigated. It is argued that those political parties that do not fully use social networks as a means of communication with voters lose the level of support. It is found that the lack of proper communication with voters through social networks reduces the ability to overcome the political representative barrier of parties.


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