Historical and political-legal aspects of polish police activity as a part of the public security system.


  • Bernadeta Nowak University of Gdansk (Poland)




public order, police, public safety system, police structures, internal state security


A sense of security is a basic human need as an individual. Issues related to the functioning of the police have always been interested for the society, and in particular its imperious powers. Over the years, the position of the police was different, but it has always been an armed formation, serving the state, regardless of the name or internal structures, its aim was to ensure protection of people, ensure public safety and order, protecting the people, their life, health and property. In the state security system the police occupies a special position as it is responsible for the state of public safety and order. The implementation of these basic tasks is particularly influenced by the improvement of its organizational structures, the implementation of activities using new means and methods, the educated and professional staffing, clarity of legal provisions or cooperation with external entities. This publication explains the concept of the police, referring to the etymology of the term as well as the legal definition. It shows the historical conditions of police structures in Poland, from the beginnings of the Polish state, through the times of the state monarchy, loss of independence, World War I and II, to the formation of the Polish state in the communist times, until the creation of the police under the Act of April 6th 1990 about the police. The article presents the structure of the organization, describes the tasks, competences and legal basis of its functioning. It shows the place of the police in the administrative structure of the state, its basic aims as a subject of public safety and order, and the ways of carrying out tasks imposed by many legal acts. It describes the tools available to the police to ensure security and public order, the rights and duties of the officers. A characteristic feature of the police is that it operates in the public interest, within the limits provided by law, and the scope of its tasks is set out in the Act of the Police, in international agreements and arrangements, and the Code of Criminal Procedure or the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure.


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