Theoretical principles of the use of discourse analysis for research of a political subject.
subject, discourse, postmodernism, post-structuralism, "death of the subject"Abstract
The theoretical evolution of the scientific concept "subject" has been analyzed through the prism of various historical and philosophical epochs and scientific doctrines in the article. The paradigmatic periodization of the development of the mentioned concept with the theoretical additions of those scientific schools, which influenced the post-modern understanding of the subject as part of socio-political knowledge, was given. The author presents the main theoretical articles on understanding the concept of subjectivity as part of the following theoretical and practical doctrines: the sociological approach (represented by the analysis of the works of Ch. Cooley); early and classic Marxism (between which differentiation is under consideration on the subject under the vector humanism / sociologism (antihumanism) ) including the French neo-Marxist school presented by the works of L. Althusser; psychoanalysis, which allowed to determine the importance of the unconscious as the constitutive vector of subjectivity; analytical psychology emphasizes the archetypal composition of the unconscious; postmodernism (represented by the works of J. Derrida, JF Lyotard, J. Kristeva, R. Barthes), which raises the question of the textual deconstruction of ontology and any form of logocentrism; in addition, the concept of " power " in the works of M. Foucault in connection with the transformation of the understanding of subjectivity and discourse was analyzed. On the basis of the above, the author tries to prove that the modern type of understanding of the subject takes its countdown from the philosophy of the Enlightenment, while understanding the exhaustiveness of the explanatory potential of the existing model, the author points to the historical and cultural conditionality of any episteme, assuming that at this stage scientific knowledge it is necessary to talk about an analysis of the subject as part of discursive methodology, which will open the new ways in understanding of post-time political processes.References
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