Institutional deterministic factor of national model's forming of public policy of Ukraine.
public policy, institutes, institutionalization, political regime, public management, political systemAbstract
The special, unique national model of public policy with the specific lines, that is oriented on generalized deliberal normatively-typical model, is formed in Ukraine, that in connection with passing of difficult process of adaptation to Ukrainian realities developed not enough and contradictory both after a form and on maintenance.
The content of any national model of public policy depends on: political regime of the state, level of stability of the system, degree of development of public institutes, system of public management.
Evolution of the political regime in Ukraine and transformation of the political system generally create specific institutional scopes for the actions of public actors, conditions for informatively-discursive space and system of public management.
In Ukraine, there is a simultaneous display of two opposite tendencies – institutionalization and deinstitutionalization of socio-political structures. On the one hand, there is an emergence of new institutes and organizations at all levels of the political system, on the other hand, there is a gradual destruction of old institutes and practices of cooperation.
The institutional specific that determines the trajectory of development of public policy in Ukraine is also the result of the choice of new institutes and adaptation of traditional institutes of management.
The formal institutional framework of Ukraine is in permanent legal variability, succumbing corrections from the side of the ruling elite, which is presented by political and economic and regional structures that operate in accordance with the logic of political moment.
The objective consequences of institutional vagueness are low efficiency of policy and crisis of legitimacy of political power in the political system of Ukraine
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