Normative-legal base of political protests of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland.


  • A. O. Pokotylo Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



political protest, normative-legal base, freedom of peaceful gatherings, protest, Ukraine, Republic of Poland


The article is devoted to the coverage and comparison of the normative-legal base of the political protest of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland. The right to freedom of peaceful assembly, guaranteed by the constitutions of democratic states, is considered, and it allows the society to demonstrate disagreement with the policy of the state. In addition, in special cases, freedom of peaceful assembly and political protest are a kind of act of political communication between civil society and government. The peculiarities of the legal and regulatory framework of Ukraine regarding political protest are considered, and it is determined that the regulatory framework is limited by a small number of normative legal acts, and of the forms used by the legislator in the issues of regulating the relations of citizens and authorities regarding the issues of political protest are fairly blurry. It is noted that the wording of the political protest in the Constitution of Ukraine is rather vague, and it is noted that there is no direct article in the Constitution about political protest, but there is some hint that political protest is considered as a part of human rights. The peculiarities of the normative and legal base of political protest in the Republic of Poland are considered, it is noted that the normative-legal basis does not provide for a direct norm regarding political protest, it is stated that there are only two normative legal acts regulating relations between the state and the protesters as a social phenomenon. The concept of «political protest» in general, its kinds, forms and mechanisms under which political protest has the right to be realized is considered. The normative-legal base of political protest of Ukraine and the Republic of Poland is analyzed and compared. Conclusions are made regarding the regulatory framework of political protest of the two countries, where the Ukrainian legal framework in the field of political protest is still poorly developed and needs to be finalized, however, it still demonstrates greater democracy compared to the Polish, and has prospects for development in a democratic direction.


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