The „third sector” of the Czech Republic as an actor of anti-corruption policy.
Czech Republic, anti-corruption NGOs, anti-corruption public initiativesAbstract
The author notes that despite the rapid pace of reforms in the Czech Republic during the last three decades, the high level of corruption constrains effective modernization of the country. It is emphasized that the Czech civil society is an active lobbyist for anti-corruption initiatives. The article: 1) determines the level of development, the degree of formation of the civil society of the Czech Republic; 2) investigates the extent of damaging impact of the destructive institution of corruption on the country; 3) studies the influence of the constructive institution of the Czech civil society on the destructive institution of corruption. It is noted that, despite the high level of corruption in the Czech Republic, unlike some other Central and Eastern European countries, mass anti-corruption protests are rare in this country. On the other hand, there are significant anti-corruption initiatives of the Czech “third sector”, particularly the anti-corruption platform Rekonstrukce STATU (RotS), Transparency International ‒ Česká republika, Frank Bold, Zindex, Oživení, etc. The article analyzes the activities of the anti-corruption platform RotS, which unites over 20 NGOs and is focused on the development of anti-corruption bills. It is noted that the legislative proposals of RotS led to the emergence of a number of public initiatives in other Central and Eastern European countries (for example, Ez a minimum a korrupció ellen in Hungary, Štrngám za zmenu! in Slovakia, etc.). The article analyzes the anti-corruption initiatives of the Frank Bold human rights organization, which provides legal counseling, legal protection in corruption cases, lobbies for bills aimed at controlling the government and ensuring transparency of public decision-making, primarily when it comes to state contracts. It studies the activities of Zindex (specialized on detecting corruption in government procurements) and Oživení (providing anti-corruption counseling, anti-corruption audit, development of anti-corruption etc.). It is argued that the experience of the Czech Republic demonstrates the significant potential of the civil society in corruption counteraction. Without the civil society actors in Czech Republic it would be impossible to publicly discuss the corruption issues, or to force politicians to consider these issues relevant.References
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