Parliamentary opposition and government in Slovakia in 2010-2014.


  • V. V. Buslenko Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



Slovakia, government, power, parliamentary opposition, politics


It was examined the nature and character of the interaction between the government and parliamentary opposition in Slovakia in the period from 2010 till 2014 in the context of the flow of social and political processes. A change in the political behavior of the parliamentary opposition before and after the early parliamentary elections of 2012 was traced.

The arrival in 2010 to power of the opposition showed that in the party system of Slovakia there was a real inter-party political competition and contested action. At the same time, the parties began to more clearly express their attitude to power, and their actions became more predictable. The new government coalition, as a rule, was formed by parties between which during the elections there were convergence of positions and similarity of program statements on the government policy. It also included new opposition political parties with which ties were established prior to the election, which, at the same time, had similar critical positions towards the socioeconomic policies of the previous government and the quality of democracy.

Gradually, a new inter-party model of interaction between the parliamentary and extra-parliamentary opposition appeared in the country, which starting from the electoral period was transferred to the interelectoral one. This kind of interaction between the representatives of the political opposition made them more stable and allowed to more clearly outline the discontinuation between the political forces in the context of “pro-government – opposition”. Agreed actions during the elections made behavior between political partners more predictable in the status of pro-governmental. Belonging to the opposition camp in the past made impossible any coalition agreements between them with Smer-SD.

With the advent of parties of entrepreneurial type, competition between the pro-government and opposition parties went into the technological stage, introducing corrections into the traditional line of division of “left – right”.


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