«The Grand Strategy» in Foreign Policy of the USA.


  • О. S. Kurando Одеський національний університет ім. І. І. Мечникова




the USA, the Grand Strategy, Barack Obama


This article has an object to descript the Grand Strategy of the White House. "The Grand Strategy" is considered how the relationship between both goals and means is calculated in the face of potential international adversaries. The article is based on remembrances of president Barack Obama, monographs and articles of the leading American analysts (R. Gilpin, C. Dueck, G. Kennan, Ch. Lane, J. Mearsheimer, S. Walt). The "retrenchment strategy" and policy of deterrence as a defense strategy are described. "Change of Regime / Rollback" defined as a strategy for overthrowing a hostile government, and the "Strategy of Implication" as an integration through which political liberalization is encouraged. It is shown that "the Strategy of Reconciling the Enemy" provides unilateral concessions in the attempt to change the aggressive demands of a potential opponent. The strategy of the "Offshore Balancing" is based on the example of America’s support for reducing expenses of the army. The analysis of different strategies proves that the Grand Strategy of Obama is a hybrid of alternatives that was varied at times. Elements of other strategic types, except Reconciliation and Reduction existed under his administration. Inhibition was brightly shown in politics towards North Korea and Iran. Politics of Obama in relation to China had elements of Inhibition too. Change of the mode or Recoil – against Kaddafi in Libya in 2011. Obama carried out persistent strategy of Recoil also against "Al-Qaeda". Integration through diplomatic contacts and membership in international organizations was American politics toward China and Russia. Trade was also used. Even Non-Interference in some parts of Africa was a strategy of the USA. However a main accent of Obama was on International Reconciliation and Reduction. A question consists in that, or his strategy really worked so as he planned. Obama’s Grand Strategy with his special management style has accumulated international threats for the USA with long-term consequences.


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