Eastern Dimension Policy: Polish Initiatives.


  • O.A. Blyzniak Національний університет «Острозька академія»




European Union, Poland, European Neighborhood Policy, concept of «eastern dimension»


The article analyzes the contribution of Poland to the formation of the Eastern policy of the European Union. The goals of the EU in Eastern Europe are outlined. The reasons for Poland’s considerable interest in expanding the Eastern border of the united Europe are explored. The article proves that among the EastCentral European countries which declared the intention and committed themselves to integration to European and Euro-Atlantic structures Poland firmly supported the need for creation and realization of effective Eastern policy on the part of the EU. The origins and evolution of the Polish concept of the «eastern dimension» of the EU policy are explored. The article argues that the absolute majority of Polish concepts reveal the wish of Poland to identify its place and role in the reference system of national interests and relations with neighrouring countries, ensure its safety and avoid possible threats primarily from Russia.

The main aspects and directions of implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy are presented. It is telling that the EU expressed a wish to deepen its relations with its Eastern neighbours, although without concrete prospect of their integration. Meanwhile, Poland supported a possible future integration of countries which became the objects the ENP. The particular leading role of Poland in the formation and implementation of this international initiative is also determined. Furthermore, the efforts of Polish diplomacy regarding the EU enlargement to the East are specified. The article outlines the attempts of Poland to adopt the «Eastern Dimension» and analyzes the Polish eastern policy concerning Ukraine and Belarus. It is conculded that uncertainty of goals and stimuli, lack of membership prospects have become the main obstacle to effective realization of the EU’s Eastern Policy towards its addressees – Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. Finally, the contribution of Poland to the implementation of the EU’s Eastern policy is traced.


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Політичні проблеми міжнародних систем та глобального розвитку