The purposes of Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war.


  • T. G. Andriyevskyy Харківський національний педагогічний університет імені Г. С. Сковороди



war, hybrid war, Russian-Ukrainian war, fake news, propaganda, undermining technologies, informational operations, Twitter, Facebook


The article evolves the concept that the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war has a significant impact on the world order and international relations. New digital undermining technologies that the Russian Federation exploits during the conflict are described. Among others, the emphasis is made on the fake news, propaganda, interference in the election processes, cyberattacks that are a new weapon of the new generation warfare – hybrid war or war of the information society.

The article describes some peculiarities of subversive activity of the Russian Federation. Among other, examples of above-mentioned subversive activities are described: from cyberattacks against government sites in Estonia in 2007 to the current challenges that the West faces. In particular, the role of social networks in the context of their influence on political processes in democratic states is revealed. There is a special emphasis on the possible intervention of the Russian Federation in the process of the presidential election in the United States, in particular, in the context of information operations on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook. The results of monitoring the activity of fake accounts, conducted by the security service of Facebook, are presented.

The article finds out certain goals of Russian aggression and its undermining measures. It was determined that the main goal of the Russian-Ukrainian hybrid war at this stage is to create chaos, undermine the values of the democratic world, and foster a comprehensive atmosphere of mistrust and nihilism. In addition, it is argued that the aggressor uses the institutions of democracy itself and their weaknesses as a weapon. The classification of information operations by their purpose in the context of hybrid warfare is proposed.


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