Communicative Model of Moldovan Language Policy.


  • S. Yu. Rymarenko Національна академія наук України
  • S. V. Savoyska Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури



Moldova, language policy, Romania, communicative politics, Russia, separatism, Transnistria, Ukraine


The article analyzes the communicative model of the language policy of Moldova as such, which, when implemented by its central authority of this state and by separate political forces, resembles that linguistic policy conducted in Ukraine during all years of independence. It is proved that in the language policy of Moldova, as well as in the language policy of Ukraine, all the years of independence are actively interfered by Russia, using for this purpose the internal pro-Russian-minded political forces of the state. It was established that the basis of political confrontations that arose in Moldova was the language-political problem, which divided the Moldovan community into at least three groups – Russian-speaking, Ukrainianlanguage, and Moldovan. It is substantiated that pro-Romanian and pro-Russian political ambitions on the territory of Moldova formed the basis of Romanian and Russian separatisms, each of which saw this state within its own political influence. It is proved that the linguistic-political confrontation on the territory of Moldova turned into a frozen conflict, the separatist center of which was Transnistria. On the other hand, the author draws attention to the fact that the communicative model of the language policy of Moldova is closely linked with Romania. It develops in the context of two opposing socio-political tendencies: one of them is the "Moldovans" who advocate the revival of the national language, culture and traditions, the other – "Romanians" – the Moldovan ethnos of Romanian origin, whose efforts are aimed at the revival of Greater Romania and joining this state of Moldova. In this context, the same analogy is observed in Ukraine, which has evolved since the mid-1990s in the context of two opposing socio-political tendencies: one of them is pro-Russian political forces that stand for the status quo for the Russian language and culture, the other is the national democrats, whose efforts are aimed at preserving the Ukrainian language and its dissemination in all spheres and regions of the state.


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Політична культура та ідеологія