Рolitical networks as new principles of relations in modern societies.


  • L. O. Malishenko Одеський торговельно-економічний інститут Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету
  • V. E. Golka Одеський фінансово-економічний коледж Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету




network, social network, public-political network, interaction, trust, horizontal and relations, society


Any networks are a type of interaction structure of social actors (both collective and individual), which is formed on the basis of horizontal links between them. Modern public policy is a product of complex interaction between people. During the last decade, the number of participants in the policy process has sharply increased. The network principle is based on the idea that public policy is shaped in the context of relationships and interdependence. Of course, the dissemination of the network form of interaction contributes to the evolution of information technology. The network approach combines the theory of political networks and the actual network analysis. It is aimed at clarifying the attributes of actors, the characteristics of communications, as well as the strength of communication, the size of the network. The method of network analysis is often called «new optics» to address a variety of social problems. The network is a set of diverse socio-political actors who have some common (corporate) interest in a specific area of public and public life. Participants in public-political networks engage in volunteering. Network analysis provides an opportunity to explore communications in the public-political sphere. The public-political network, in our opinion, is a model of representation and realization of interests of subjects of public and political life. In the context of our research issues, the public-political network (in crowdsourcing and crowdfunding relations) can be defined as a set of non-hierarchical relations between actors in the socio-political process, which combine common interests and the exchange of resources to promote these interests. Creation of crowdfunding and crowdsourcing networks takes place provided the participants are united with the goals, general outlook, proximity to understanding the problem-solving solution based on horizontal relations.


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