Functional predetermination of a political leader.


  • G. I. Yemelyanova Одеський національний університет імені І. І. Мечникова



leadership, political leader, democracy, functions of a political leader, power, people


In recent years, socio-political conditions have changed, and, accordingly, requirements for political leaders. And this requires, in turn, additional development, particularly, in terms of appointing a political leader, defining its functions and tasks. Analysis of historiography suggests that it is too early to put a point in these issues. The problems of the Institute of Political Leadership, the prospects for development and transformation today have an unconditional scientific and theoretical interest and immense importance for practical political activity.

The problem of political leadership of the management elite becomes one of the priorities for the modern Ukrainian state for several reasons. First of all, this is an urgent practical problem of the present. Its relevance is determined by the socio-political situation of the transitional period in Ukraine, the main feature of which is the nature and dynamics of the relations in the format "people – power". Obviously, there is a significant distance between the population and the authorities, which is institutional and in the minds of citizens is identified with the management elite of the state and regional levels. Everything is more clearly visible signs of a crisis of power. One of its negative consequences is a tangible deficit of constructive approaches and concrete ways to establish an effective and efficient mutual feedback between the authorities and citizens to overcome the gap in public-power relations.

In this article an understanding of the functional purpose of the political leader is presented. To achieve the goal, levels of political leadership were determined; outlined universal concepts that consider all factors affecting the formation of the corresponding type of political leader; Various approaches to defining the functions of a political leader are described.

It is determined that the most complete list of functions of a political leader is as follows: integration of society, citizens around common tasks and values; search and acceptance of optimal political decisions; protection of masses from lawlessness, self-government of bureaucracy, support of public order; establishing a system of constant communication with the masses, preventing the alienation of citizens from political leadership; initiating an update, generating optimism and social energy, mobilizing the masses to realize political goals; legitimization of the social and political system. However, in Ukraine, the system of training political leaders is not developed today, this causes great problems in the practical activity of political leaders, in the aspect of the formation of a new political elite at various levels. Political parties and civic organizations do not pay enough attention to the preparation of future political leaders, using spontaneous selection systems. Therefore, I see further scientific perspectives in developing the concept of training political leaders, according to a functional purpose that meets the new conditions of political activity.


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