Government and Parliamental Opposition in the Czech Republic (Political and Legal Aspects of Interaction).


  • V. V. Buslenko Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



parliamentary opposition, parliamentary majority, Czech Republic, parliament, vote of no confidence


The political and legal aspects of interaction of the parliamentary opposition and the government in the Czech Republic after 1993 were investigated. The role, powers and resources of the parliamentary opposition in the country while carrying out of government control functions are explained.

It is clarified that on the one hand, the relations between the government and the parliamentary opposition in the country are determined by the institutional design, which determines the political and legal field of activity of political persons, determines the channels of their interaction and establishes certain restrictions. On the other hand, they depend on the ratio of political forces in the parliament, the level of stability of government support, the effectiveness of its policies and can balance from confrontation to cooperation.

It is noted that the parliamentary opposition in the Czech Republic, in the absence of a separate legal regulation of its activities, remains an important political institution in the mechanism of containments and counterbalances. The extent of the rights it is granted in the House of Representatives is rather high, despite the fact that the capacity of legislative influence on the government remains insignificant.

This is due to the fact that the majority principle is constitutionally vested in the formation of the government. In the most complete way the control functions of the parliamentary opposition are carried out through a vote of no confidence in the government. This procedure, despite its poor performance, still has a notable political effect and is an attempt to combine parliamentary activity with the extra-parliamentary and aims at obtaining political dividends in the form of mobilizing the protest electorate. Under the conditions of absence of stable support of the government from the side of the parliamentary majority, the chances of influence on the government grow among the opposition.


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