US National Security Strategy as a tool for supporting global leadership and international order (B. Obama and D. Trump).


  • I. V. Tykhonenko Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили



global leadership, international order, national interests, US national security strategy, B. Obama’s administration, D. Trump’s administration


The article attempts a comparative analysis of the “US National Security Strategy” by B. Obama’s democratic administration and the Republican’s D. Trump. The problems of US support for global leadership and international order were the main categories of comparison. These problems are on time now, because of the end of the bipolarity era and the development of a new system of international relations in which America should take a prominent place. The differences in the treatment of these problems were revealed not only in the documents of both administrations, but also in the “National Security Strategy” that were adopted in 2010 and 2015 for the presidency of B. Obama. Conducted a comparative analysis, the author came to the conclusion about the evolution of approaches to the definition of US global leadership in documents adopted by the administration of B. Obama that embodied in the “renewal of leadership” to its “approval”. Regarding the international order, the US under B. Obama’s presidency was guided by a strategy of “strategic restraint” and “strategic patience”. D. Trump’s administration also has the goal of achieving and retaining leadership, but primarily focusing on the national interests of America, its consolidation, rather than a comprehensive engagement in world affairs. The issue of maintaining international order also varies from a detailed review of Obama’s strategy to focus on the regional level in D. Trump one. Differences in understanding of the maintenance of international order are embodied in the characterization of the partner states and allies of the USA, in particular, relations with China, cooperation with international organizations and involvement in the settlement of conflicts and global problems. If the democrats were guided by the embodiment of the policy of multilateralism, the Republicans appeal to the principled realism. In the document D. Trump’s administration does not refuse of the leadership, but the methods of its implementation are shaken, guided by the slogan “America first” and the idea if the US grows, then the whole world is growing. 


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