Participation of russian federation in «belarusian npp» project as instrument of widening its political influence.


  • P. V. Stepanets Національний університет «Острозька академія»



RF, Belarus, energy sector, policy, geopolitical influence, «Belarusian NPP»


This article analyzes role of Russian Federation in the realization of «Belarusian Nuclear Power Plant» project in the context of Russian strategy of widening its influence in the neighboring country. There is also a consideration of political, economic and other reasons of Russian interests in this project and how Moscow sought ways to get involved in this project. This article also observes conditions which cause return of the idea by the Republic of Belarus to construct nuclear plant on its own territory and obstacles that do not allow official Minsk to become not only an initiator of the project, but also the main implementer. The clear attention is paid to the economic aspect of Russian role in the project of constructing nuclear power plant as guarantee factor of its realization. For better understanding of economic conditions that forced Minsk to return to the idea of constructing the nuclear plant, there is consideration of energy ties between Russia and Belarus in modern times. This article also analyzes goals of Kremlin in realization of Belorussian initiative and divides key interests of Russia due to the level of their importance. Such separation allows exploration different stresses that Russia places in order to achieve its foreign policy goals. The paper explores structure of national interests’ levels in the strategy towards realization of Belarusian energy strategy. There are also explorations of geopolitical consequences of constructing Belorussian nuclear power plant and particularly how factor of constructing it used by Russian Federation to put political pressure on some states of the region. There is also forecast for future development of energy relations between two neighboring countries and dynamics of Russian geopolitical influence in Belarus and geographically close states. 


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