The European Union problems of reforming at the present stage.


  • L. V. Korniichuk Національний університет «Острозька академія»



the European Union, reforms, systemic crisis, global challenges, security


The article considers the key aspects of the European Union reforming at the present stage. Currently the European Union is in the process of deep transformational reformation, that’s why it is important to find out their nature and possible consequences. An attempt is made to show the interconnection of internal and foreign poilicy problems of EU with the choice of the future path of European integration in the direction of expansion or deepening. The main scenarios for the future development of the EU are described, as well as the propositions of the President of France Emmanuel Macron to reform the Community. The priority directions of future reforms are particularly estimated, such as: security and migration policy, joint financing of innovation projects, and also the formation of an overall budget for coordination of investment activity and stabilization in case of future economic crises. It was paid attention to the peculiarities of the EU integration in the security and defense fields and there changes towards its European partners since Brexit and the evolution of the US policy.

A special emphasis in the publication is made on realization of a practical step in reforms – creation of a new defense and security project PESCO, which is intended to make European defense more effective and to strengthen operational cooperation between countries. The main idea of cooperation in this form is to increase efficiency through the joint implementation of what every country has done by its own before. At the same time it is important that participation in the projects of each country is voluntary. Currently the EU is considered not only as a powerful economic association, but also as a very powerful player in the international arena, which influences on the maintenance of continual international order. That’s why the article presents an analysis of the peculiarities of transformations that are necessary for the further viability of the EU.



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