Honorary Consulates in Bilateral Cooperation of the States: Functional Dimension.


  • T. O. Hrachevska Дніпровський національний університет імені Олеся Гончара




interstate cooperation, Honorary Consulates, Honorary Consul, functions of Honorary Consulates, status of Honorary Consul


The article is devoted to the study of the role of Honorary Consulates in the process of development of bilateral cooperation between the states. The peculiarities and leading directions of the activity of Honorary Consulates at the present stage are characterized. The requirements to the candidates for the position of Honorary Consuls from states are considered. Characteristics of general functions performed by Honorary Consulates in practice of interstate interaction are given. It has been established that Honorary Consulates could effectively perform the functions of the link between the states in terms of absence of permanent diplomatic and consular offices.

A complex of functions of Honorary Consulates of such states as Ireland, France, Great Britain is characterized. In particular, the functions of the Honorary Consulates of France in the territory of Australia were described, which are as follows: the provision of documents confirming the place of residence of the person; certification of authenticity of copies and photocopies of original documents; providing identity documents. The emphasis is on the role of Honorary Consulates in providing assistance to citizens of the state whose interests they represent in the period of technogenic and natural disasters. The criteria for the establishment of Honorary Consulates on the territory of other states on the example of the state of Sweden is analyzed.

Attention is paid to the analysis of the functioning of the Honorary Consulates of the foreign states on the territory of Ukraine. The leading directions of functioning of the Honorary Consulate of the State of Israel on the territory of Western Ukraine are considered. It is established that at the present stage, its employees are concentrated on the following tasks: restoration of investment attractiveness of the specified region, assistance to Ukrainian businessmen entering the market of Israel, implementation of joint projects in the field of security, intensification of cooperation in the field of information technologies, cooperation in the sphere of energy saving.

The functions of Honorary Consulates representing Ukraine’s interests abroad are analyzed. Thus, the functions of the Honorary Consulate of Ukraine in Opole are as follows: strengthening of relations between Ukraine and Poland in the field of business, entrepreneurship, science and culture, provision of assistance to Ukrainian citizens in case of need.



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