Features of formation of public values of youth in cyberspace: experience of Ukraine.


  • H. I. Smokova Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




socialization, youth, virtual space, values, public values, institutes of socialization


The article deals with the peculiarities of the socialization of the younger generation in the virtual space, which are reflected in the concept of "cyber socialization", which reveals a specific influence on the outlook of individuals. First, it is the formation of a certain set of value orientations that transform the behavioral model in general. Secondly – the perception of reality through virtuality, therefore. During the work we emphasize the importance of the axiological factor in the process of general socialization of youth, the impact of which is aggravated by excessive use of the Internet and social networks. Due to the spread of the phenomenon of virtuality in real life and the reassessment of values, in the worldview of a modern young generation, we can observe a rollback to materialism that is not conducive to the establishment of democracy and the process of European integration. Considerable attention is paid to the clarification of the role and functions of the classical institutes of socialization in a transitional period, where the emphasis is on the institution of education, during which time the complex formation of the individual takes place. But because of the expansion of communication tools, a modern youth spend most of their leisure time not on educational activities, not in a family or in a friendly circle, but prefer the virtual space that absorbs and fills the living space of society. That is why, in our study, we found another scientific category – "public value", which is endowed with an author’s definition – is deduced and substantiated. Also, the feature of the modern generation "Y" is underlined, according to the theories of well-known American researchers, which makes it possible to talk about the beginning of a value shift in Ukrainian society towards postmaterialism. However, it is noted that the significant impact of virtual space (especially social networks), makes young people a daily consumer of various content, among which the material values dominate. Thus, the cyberspace is a set of "public values," which become one of the leading instruments of socialization along with classical institutions. 


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