Speechwriter’s Information Culture.


  • N. P. Karpchuk Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки




information culture, speechwriter, information behavior, public speech


Information culture as a combination of values, attitudes, behavior, knowledge and skills that promote the wise use of external information and encourage its widespread and correct use, should be inherent in any communicative specialist. The second half of the twentieth century actualizes and in some way revives the profession of a speechwriter, whose task is to create a text in accordance with all intellectual, emotional, image, contextual, etc. requirements of the customer and prepare the speaker for public interrelations with the audience. The works of domestic and foreign scholars concerning the understanding of the concept of "information culture" are investigated; the levels of information culture have been determined; criteria of information culture of a person are defined.

The article investigates how the information culture of a speechwriter is displayed at all stages of the creation of the text: from interviewing the customer to the final presentation of the speech, because the proper level of the information culture of a speechwriter gives the latter the opportunity to make up the ordered texts capable of leading humanity, or creating an event that will be remembered and discussed for a long time. In an effort to make the speech of the customer recognizable, the speechwriter simultaneously creates / maintains the speech image of the speaker, taking into account verbal, nonverbal, psychologicalemotional and situational features of the latter.

The criteria for evaluating the information culture of the speechwriter are proposed, namely, respect to information as evidence and as knowledge; skills, knowledge, experience in the field of work with information; information architecture.

Types of the information behavior (information integrity, information formality, information control, information transparency, information sharing, proactivity) and ethical-professional skills (analytical, communication, ethical and networking skills), which are manifested in the activities of the speechwriter, are defined.



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