The essence, features and types of anti-system political opposition.


  • V. M. Kolzov Державний заклад «Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського»



opposition, anti-system opposition, anti-system political party, ideological anti-system, relational anti-system


The article is dedicated to analysing the essence, features and varieties of anti-system political opposition as a counter-weight to systemic political opposition. The author discovered that anti-system political opposition can be parliamentary and extra-parliamentary, semi-loyal and disloyal, legal and illegal, violent and non-violent, and also can be recognized or not recognized by a political regime/government. It was also recorded that anti-system political opposition is determined by the antisystem type of oppositional political parties, which have such values that are relationally and ideologically opposed to the values prevailing in the system, where such political parties exist. At the same time, it was motivated that political party, in order to be interpreted as anti-system, should not resist all (without exception) the characteristics of the corresponding political system, but at least one of them. But this, in turn, means that the ideological antisystem of political power is also necessarily linked to the political system, but with a completely different political system and differently generated in the context of relational antisystemism. In total, this indicates that the relational anti-system of political forces and political opposition refers to the comparative analysis of party systems, while the ideological antisystem of political forces and political opposition is an important conceptual tool for analyzing the problems of democracy and democratization, as well as autocracy and autocratization. At the same time, such a generalization is not perfect, as being theoreticized, it should be checked by the practice of the political process, which may make additional adjustments to the understanding of the essence of the antisystem political opposition.


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