Transfomation of paternalism’s specific features in conditions of decentralization in Ukraine.


  • M. I. Huryk Тернопільський національний економічний університет
  • M. L. Shumka Тернопільський національний економічний університет



paternalism, decentralization, parliamentarism, civil society, united territorial communities


Transformation of paternalism’s specific features problem in conditions of Ukraine decentralization is conceived in the article. The authors conduct the systematic analysis of paternalism’s concept, attempt to reveal the essential changes in paternalistic ideas in the context of the local government reform. Evolution of paternalism’s approaches, its essential characteristics are analyzed in the article; hierarchy and guardianship (traditional approach); category of choice (liberal approach); morality, charity, autonomy (postmodernist approach). It is mentioned that paternalism means social relations, in which the prevailing partner assumes to himself certain installations, practices that involve guardianship of subordinates. The character of paternalism’s ideas transformation in conditions of reform is revealed. The authors demonstrate ways of destroying of paternalistic’s installations in the process of decentralization. In particular, it is noted that the contemporary transitional social, economic and political processes have a different impact on the Ukrainian citizen’s political behavior and political consciousness. It is emphasized that in such situation a request for a strong state that would ensure stability in society, and take care of the well-being of citizens is made. It is proved that in order to make progress in the direction of paternalism to a responsible civil society, it is necessary to change the installations that are in charge of forming the motivation of the population participation in the self-government (local) activities. It is stated that united territorial communities form the active civil population position and promote the social and economic preconditions for satisfying the citizens vital needs. 


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