Structural changes in the Lutsk city council in the context of democratic transformation of Ukraine.


  • A. V. Bortnikova Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



local self-government, decentralization, Lutsk city council, executive committee, permanent commissions, deputies


The analysis of the evolution of structural changes in Lutsk City Council at the stage of the democratic transformation of Ukraine in 1990–2017 has been carried out. Quantitative and qualitative changes in the parliamentary body of the council, its executive committee, permanent commissions, departments, administrations, departments and commissions, depending on social-economic development of the country and central government policies have been demonstrated. The emphasis was placed on the processes that took place after the regular local elections, when the quantitative and qualitative composition of the council changed every time. Focused attention has been paid to the processes of decentralization, which are being accompanied by the transfer of powers of state authorities to the local level. The process of realization of the tasks of the «Concept of reformation of local self-government and organization of territorial power in Ukraine», requirements of the laws of Ukraine «On Access to Public Information», «On Regulation of Urban Development Activities», «On State Registration of Legal Entities and Individuals», «On the Licensing System in the Sphere of Economic Activities», the Cabinet’s Resolution «On the City-Planning Cadastre», etc. has been revealed. It has been indicated that the increase of the staffs took place in the secretariat and the appeal department, in the management of city planning and the newly created department of transport of the city council, land resources management, the licensing center and the department of state registration of business entities of the city council. The positive changes that had occurred in the investigated period in the activity of Lutsk City Council in the direction of greater transparency and accountability to territorial communities were demonstrated. The positive experience of the city council regarding the approaching of services to the city population has been certified through a specially created department – the Center for the Provision of Administrative Services of the executive committee of the Lutsk City Council. 


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