Migration as an object of political research.


  • P. H. Bezuglyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




migration, types of migration, factors of influence, theoretical models of analysis of migration processes, migration consequences, donor countries, recipient countries


In the article the author examines the theoretical principles of the study of migration processes in the context of state policy, whose influence determines the dynamics of scales, directions, intensity of migration. The approaches to the definition of «migration», «migration mobility» and «migration mobility» are analyzed. It is established that migration processes in terms of content, causes and consequences have sources and various forms of manifestation in almost all spheres of human and social life, are studied in different contexts and at different levels. The article deals with the classification of types of migration according to such classification features as geographic direction, direction of movement, duration of stay, legal status, purpose, causes, way of involvement. On the basis of the analysis of scientific works, functions (accelerating, selective, redistribution of labor force, population development, economic, reproductive, social) and factors influencing migration of the population (economic, social, cultural, political and environmental) are singled out. The theoretical models of the analysis of migration processes are systematized, which are expediently divided into two groups: the theory considering the factors and causes of migration (neoclassical economic theory, neoclassical microeconomic theory , the concept of the spatial self-organization of the population, the concept of a new economy of labor migration) and the theory that focuses on the analysis of self-development mechanisms and self-support for migration (the theory of social cap Italy, the theory of migratory networks D. Massey, the theory of the total causal condition D. Massey, the sociological theory of risks, the institutional theory, the theory of three stages of the migration process). It has been established that for different countries and regions, the consequences of migration can be different, both for those who give the labor force and those who accept it. The article presents the positive and negative effects of migration for donor countries and recipient countries. 


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