Modern trends of limology development.


  • R. Kotsan Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


science of borders, limology, theoretical limology, applied limology, fields of limology, political limology (limopolitics)


The process of scientific research of borders and the formation of limology - science of the borders was studied. Limology was presented as the science that studies the nature and function of borders, border areas and regions, border processes and institutions. It was emphasized that according to the nature of the borders limology is divided into terralimology (land borders) aqualimology (water borders) aerolimology (air borders) and spacelimology (space boundaries). The division of limology into theoretical one (which examines issues of functions and border security theories, methods of studing the borders, etc.) and practical one (or border-studing) was presented. It was emphasized that today limology is a multidisciplinary science that includes several fields, among which political limology or limopolitology occupies an important place. It was indicated that among the new areas of limology rightful place is taken by legal, historical, and tourist branches. Current research trends within each of these areas of limology were analyzed and scientists and their contribution to research of border issues were presented. It is noted that in Ukraine nowadays research institutes, organizations and institutions, as well as independent research centers are systematically engaged in the issues of borders research.


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