Reconstruction of nationalism and denationalization conceptions of O.Potebnja in the context of retention the national identity of Ukrainians.


  • Yе. Moroz Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
  • D. Lytvynchuk Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
  • T. Maloholovchuk Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка


language, denationalization, nation, nationalism, national identity


The article is devoted to the analysis of the actual socio-political themes of preservation of Ukrainian national identity in the context of reconstruction of notions «nationalism» and «denationalization» in the scientific works of Alexander Potebnja. The positions of O. Potebnja are considered within the general influence of the civilizational changes, that, however, contributes to preserve people's identity, since they create the means of the national identity mechanisms, as well as the form of the most functional association of national communities. The availability of aspects of heuristic potential, as well as the limitation of the language deterministic approach in a process of studing the problems of preserving national identity at the modern stage substantiates in the article. The key concept of "denationalization" contains a significant heuristic potential in the context of outlining the predictions of negative social consequences, which today receive new forms on the background of the realities of military conflicts and the weakening of ethnic tolerance in Ukrainian society. Functions of language practices identified as a mediator in the context of capabilities to acquire features of a promoting mechanism the retention of the national identity.


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