National Security Models: Experience for Ukraine.


  • L. А. Litvin Східноукраїнський національний університет імені Володимира Даля


national security, the model of national security, the national security of Ukraine


The aim is to analyze models of national security leading powers of the world to study the experience of foreign countries in ensuring the effective implementation of national security. Such models are considered national security of a model of world domination, regional leadership, nuclear deterrence and collective neutral model. The features of these models. It is noted that the study of global patterns of features will allow national security to develop an optimal model of national security for the modern Ukrainian state. Also considered a possible model specific national security of Ukraine, Ukrainian researchers suggested. Outlined four possible strategic choice possible model for the national security of Ukraine: non-alignment / neutrality; European integration without NATO membership (so-called "finlandization"); bilateral and sub-regional partnership alliances; NATO. It is noted that at this stage of development of Ukrainian national security state does not belong to the above models in its pure form. Ukraine's national security is appropriate to include hybrid models. At present, Ukraine needs to clearly define the model of national security.


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