Gaddafi on the international arena.


  • Wiącek Bartosz University of Gdansk


Gaddafi, terrorism, attempt, sponsorship, king of Africa, integration, LAAICO


Gaddafi was an important person on the international arena. Due to his multifaceted presentation he cannot be judged by using one criterion. In Europe he was known for his eccentric behavior, breaking the established human laws, and supporting terrorism. In Africa Gaddafi was seen as a great friend , sometimes called the king of Africa due to his engagement in defending the interests of the African continent. As a leader of Libya he became one of the most influential people of his region. Gaddafi was supported by the monetary wealth that was gained from natural resources present in Libya. This monetary wealth was added to the already existing budget as well as to his account for a direct use. The accumulation of wealth contributed to his importance on the international arena. The LAAICO foundation, which was established by Gaddafi, helped to elevate lives of many residents of the Dark Continent. The areas that benefited from his investment consisted of infrastructure, communication, hotel industry, and many others. Due to the increased investments in the African continent, many African countries befitted from it. Unfortunately, some of the accumulated wealth went also to terrorist and nationalistic organizations all over the world which used them to support their violent ways and political agendas. Gaddafi tried to resolve many international problems by becoming a conflict mediator but simultaneously he also became a catalyst of other significant international political difficulties.


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