Drug policy in Sweden and the Netherlands.


  • Maciej Ciachla Univeristy of Gdansk


Drug Policy, Addiction, Prohibition, Drugs, Criminals, Harm reduction, Prevention, Drugs Market, Health care system, Sweden, Netherlands


This article is intended to describe and evaluate two completely different drug policies, which are exists in Europe. First drug policy which I want to analyze is Netherland's drug policy because of its permissive character. Second one will be the Swedish drug policy because of its restrictive character. The main reason to write this article was fact that two different way to deal with drug problems are creating similar effects. In this article I want to analyze how could it be that two European societies are dealing with the same problem, with two completely different policies. To get an answer for this question, first of all I want to analyze historical and cultural conditioning of their society. Another important thing is the geopolitical location of those countries. The last thing which I want to research is how those countries are dealing with addicted people problems and how are they the dealing with criminals. To gain an answer for this questions I also want to analyze their political system, especially which Ministries are responsible for creating drug policy. After analyze both examples, we can see that Swedish and Dutch drug policies are succeed because those countries have been creating their drug policy with the participation of their society. While creating drug policy, every country in the world should follow Sweden and the Netherlands’ examples because it is almost impossible to create one kind of drug policy that can be introduced all over the world.


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