Strategic communication EU: institutional dimension.


  • E. B. Tykhomyrova Східноєвропейський національний університет імені Лесі Українки


safety, DAISH, disinformation, EU, NATO, Russia, StratСom, strategic communications


The article analyzes the problem of strategic communications, which became especially popular in the past two decades. Initially it was seen mainly in the in scientific, political and business circles in the US and some European countries. Now starting to emerge in the regulatory and policy papers at various levels and in us that actually legitimizes this concept in Ukraine. Since there is no consensus on the definition of strategic communications, given their different interpretations, including systematic series of successive and coordinated activities undertaken at the strategic, operational and tactical levels and can understand the target audience, identifying effective channels to promote and support specific types of behaviour. In the article is considered the institutional dimension of the EU strategic communications. This is the specificity of strategic communications DAISH and Russia in the European information space, which should counteract some European StratСom operating in the Arabic and eastern regions of the European Neighbourhood Policy, analyzed the role of coordinator of EU to combat terrorism in the strategic communications EU. Attention is drawn to the need for more dialogue, cooperation and coordination between the EU and NATO on strategic communications.


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